Tuesday 24 May 2011

Ketchikan Bigfoot a publicity stunt?

Another Ketchikan Bigfoot sighting?
Eric Christopher Adams | May 23, 2011
Bigfoot has been caught after days of terrorizing the Internet and quite possibly scaring the bejeezus out of little old ladies and unsuspecting kids in the soggy Southeast Alaska town of Ketchikan, sources revealed over the weekend. Sasquatch was found -- where else? -- at a bar, enjoying a cold beer after a few days on the loose in the misty rainforests down around those parts.A Ketchikan man emailed Dispatch that he'd heard tales that Mr. Foot stopped in for a sudsy cold one at none other than the Arctic Bar & Liquor Store on Water Street. Turns out, though, where one mystery was solved another may have begun. He did say that this photo appeared about the same time that a YouTube video surfaced last week of Bigfoot lurking about near Ketchikan. Watch the video and you'll catch a shadowy figure sneaking through the heavy brush.
The legendary Wild Booger of the North might also be a corporate gimmick, Weinstein suggested, noting that some sort of weird, white inflatable dome had been lately thrown up near one of Ketchikan's cruise ship berths. The cruise ship industry had devised some strange "entertainment" and Weinstein said he wouldn't be surprised if old Booger wasn't part of the plan to peddle Alaskana--for a premium.Perhaps so, perhaps not.Bigfoot has been thought to live along the North American Pacific coast for a long time, although most detectives would tell you Ketchikan's a bit far north for him to be roaming about. Most sightings originate between northern California and Puget Sound. For more Alaska Bigfoot sightings, checkout  the database at the Bigfoot Field Researchers

Read full story see video etc here : http://www.alaskadispatch.com/article/another-ketchikan-bigfoot-sighting

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